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ER-Drive Policy changes

Hello everyone, Merry Christmas to you all.

First of all, it must be clarified what ER-Drive is because the majority does not know what it is. ER-Drive is just a Google Drive that we upload the releases on it. Right now, only the supporters can access it, for good reasons of course.

In the past, any person donated one-time at least $5 will have access to the drive that was including everything we released. Unfortunately, we had to change that because Google started to ask us a huge amount of money. Right now, they cost $20 per month for every 5 TB which is a lot considering that our files right now (Since we started the team) are more than 50 TB which is going to cost at least $200 per month. Our current financial capacity, does not allow us to do what they ask. This why we had to delete all of the files from the drive and focus only on the last two or three seasons of releases.

From now, to access the drive, you will have to donate $3 per month to keep the drive alive and anything more will be used to increase the storage capacity.

* Some of you might ask why $3 and not $2? Wouldn’t $2 be better to increase the number of supporters for a long-term support? *

As we mentioned above, our main reason of this change is to increase the storge pool of the ER-Drive to include everything that we have previously released and to add more if we could. Right now, the support is really not enough to increase the storge pool, and whoever uses it, will have to help us with this to benefit everyone.

The other reason is because of money transfer taxes. Due to the countries rules that we receive donations from, we lose less than a third for the amounts of under $10. Yes, we know this is bullshit, but if you deal with PayPal, you will understand our suffering.

One last thing, some of the old members have been removed from ER-Drive, whose membership terms have expired based on what they have donated so far. If there is a person whom we removed by mistake and who is still donating or donated a large amount for one time and thinks that there is a mistake, please write to us on this email so that we can correct the misunderstanding.

That’s all for this post.

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